Posted by Paul Lautman on 01/14/08 23:34
Martin wrote:
> I'm retrieving some records from a database. One of the fields
> contains a date/time. I would like to format it as I send it out to
> the table in the displayed page.
> Can some one please tell me how I can/should do that? Or possibly
> point me to an on-line explanation?
> Thanks
> ps: if it makes any difference, the data is coming from a MS Access
> MDB file which I'm reading in via ODBC.
It is a 6 step process:
Step 1) Point your browser at
Step 2) In the search box type: php date formatting
Step 3) Click the button labelled "I'm Feeling Lucky"
Step 4) Read the manual page that you are presented with
Step 5) Think "Why did I bother posting this question to usenet when I could
have found the answer in an instant by doing steps 1-4"
Step 6) Vow to do the obvious and try to help myself in the fuure.
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