Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/15/08 01:51
trpost@gmail.com wrote:
> On Jan 14, 3:55 pm, Manuel Lemos <mle...@acm.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> on 01/14/2008 07:57 PM trp...@gmail.com said the following:
>>> I am looking for a way to send data from one page to another as POST
>>> data without using forms or cURL.
>>> I have a php script that is passing a list of cases from on page to
>>> another when a link is clicked. This is working fine for the most part
>>> as a link, but sometimes the list gets very large and gets cut off.
>>> The reason it gets cut off appears to be a limitation on the amount of
>>> data that can be passesd in the URI.
>>> It looks like I can do this with cURL, but this script will run on
>>> several servers that do not have cURL compiled in and I do not want to
>>> recompile now.
>>> I found a few posts that say this can be done with PHP and javascript,
>>> but I found no good examples.
>>> To give you an example on what I am doing:
>>> <a href=case_details.php?cases=".$allCases."&priority=Low&PG=All>
>>> $count</a>
>>> $allCases is a comma separated list of numbers and can get very large.
>>> i.e. 84638,48957,58945,45375,....
>> You can try this HTTP client class. It can perform arbitrary HTTP
>> requests without using Curl:
>> http://www.phpclasses.org/httpclient
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Manuel Lemos
>> PHP professionals looking for PHP jobshttp://www.phpclasses.org/professionals/
>> PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHPhttp://www.phpclasses.org/- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> I tried the Class and it looks to be able to send POST data to a page
> and request back the results. I am looking to actually goto the page
> as if you had clicked on the link. I basically created an app that
> sometimes tries to send data to a page that exceeds the max length
> allowed in the URL. What are options for getting around that limit. I
> could see using a form if I had just one link, but I have hundreds and
> can't think of a way to just send the data from the link I click on if
> I used a form.
Where did the data come from in the first place? A database maybe? If
so, just send the key back and query the database again.
Or have a separate form for each row.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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