Posted by Logos on 11/12/88 12:00
On Jan 16, 12:41 am, Joe Scylla <joe.scy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Logos wrote:
> > I'm having a terrible time finding an IDE that will do *all* the
> > things I want it to do, and was hoping for suggestions from people
> > more experienced than I.
> > ...snipped...
> > Possibly Eclipse can give me what I want with the right combination of
> > plugins, but the array of possibilities is bewildering.
> > Any suggestions?
> > Tyler
> Eclipse including following Plugins:
> - Web Standard Tools
> Includes syntax highlightning, folding, intellisense for CSS and HTML.
> Install this with the Eclipse Update function; Site: Europe Discovery Site.
> - PHP Development Tools (http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/)
> Includes syntax highlightning, folding, intellisense for PHP. And a
> outline of object and function browser of the current page and the
> complete project.
> - JSEclipse (http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/jseclipse/)
> Includes syntax highlightning, folding, intellisense for JS. And outline
> of object and function browser of the current page.
> - Target Management (http://www.eclipse.org/dsdp/tm/)
> Includes your remote file access (includes access through SSH, FTP or
> dstore agents and also a integrated shell access.
> Joe
I've tried Eclipse with JSEclipse and PDT - one stumbling block was
getting integrated remote file access, so I'll try Target. However, I
couldn't get JSEclipse to work on my PHP pages. I haven't yet figured
out a way to get it to do js parsing in the js sections, php parsing
in the php sections, and HTML parsing in the HTML sections. Have to
switch back and forth between views, etc, as many of my pages are a
mix of all three languages.
So far I'm liking Aptana very much - if they can get intellisense
working, it'll be a winner for me.
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