Reply to Re: Getting class object information from file.

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Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/27/62 12:00 wrote:
> Is there any method to get this informations from php file?
> 1. Class methods
> 2. Check whether class in file is extended by 'XXX' or not (class
> MyClass extends XXX ...)
> - Class has same name as files e.g. file named 'myclass.php' has class
> named 'myclass' etc...
> I'm trying to do that tasks from list in that way:
> -----------------------------------------------------
> $class = 'myclass';
> ob_start();
> include($class.'.php');
> // Creating object instance
> $oClass = new $class;
> // Check if $class extends XXX
> if ( is_subclass_of( $oClass, 'XXX' ) )
> {
> // Class extends XXX
> }
> ob_end_clean();
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Yea, it's simple and working, but what happen when in __construct()
> method in that class we try to run function from parent class:
> ------------------------------ myclass.php ---------------
> class MyClass extends XXX
> {
> public __construct()
> {
> $this->method_from_XXX_class();
> }
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> ... and what now? we've got a nice error while including myclass.php
> and creating instance (new MyClass): "Call to a member function
> method_from_XXX_class() on a non-object."

You should only be calling the constructor of the parent class in your

> It's also dangerous because of potentially malicious code in included
> file, but how can I get in other way? The only one solution that I
> have in my mind is using regular expressions to extract interesting
> data or ...?

You can have malicious code in any file. It's not restricted to class

> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance for help and sorry for my English.

No problem at all with your English :-)

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.

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