Posted by Adam Frame on 09/30/70 12:00
Steve wrote:
> "Ali Bobo" <1001webs@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b0a3c54-0c8a-4465-9e33-566f84ecd966@v4g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>> 1. PHP.NET the greatest API resource known to MAN
> completely relative statement. i can safely assume you've not experienced
> *all* api's known to man!
>> 2. If you have a problem, someone will have already implemented a
>> solution in PHP for you
> and this is in contrast to the support and examples/solutions afforded asp?
> think again.
>> 3. Syntax is better, closer to C, C++, and Java. Unlike VB where
>> anything goes.
> uhhhh, php is just as loose as asp - which is *vb script* NOT VB. asp.net,
> however, is more OOP capable than php AND forces strong data-typing. troll.
> as for which stylistic preference you have in writing code, who gives a
> fuck?!!!
>> 4. To run ASP you need IIS on windows, which is not free, for PHP
>> however you need Linux and Apache which are FREE!!
> sorry, wrong again! i can run asp on linux boxes running apache. that
> technology is at least 8 years old, idiot.
>> 5. Great built in support for ftp, email, graphics package GD2 and
>> also MySQL (also FREE).
> and, asp has *greater* built in support for these and more. last time i
> checked, ms was giving asp.net AND a world-class IDE for it's development
> away...i.e. FREE.
> next dumbass remark?
>> 6. PHP will run on Unix, Linux, Solaris and Windows. ASP is mainly
>> only Windows associated but you can use it on linux with additional
>> modules installed.
> which completely bastardizes your statement number 4...along with mooting
> itself in the process. are you that brain-dead?
>> 7. PHP code is much faster, ASP is developed on the COM based
>> architecture, this is an overhead for the server.
> and what version of asp are you talking about? the one from 8 years ago? asp
> as of right now can backwardly support com. it's architecture is completely
> OOP based and everything runs from a NON-COM based framework. asp performs
> equally in speed to php and in a lot of cases, outperforms it. one of the
> benefits of a company that creates a web language and also providing the os
> on which it will run, the functionality is built into the kernel itself.
>> 8. mod_rewrite, need I say more.
> the answer is, you need to say something that applies. mod_rewrite is
> apache, not php. as i can run asp via apache, your point is moot...again!
>> 9. Advanced Perl-compatible regular expression functions and loads
>> of built in support for regular expressions on the whole.
> funny how think, or imply, that asp and regex are strangers to eachother.
> specifically, if i develop a vb < .net application, i have to reference the
> *scripting* library (you know, the web version of vb) in order to use regex.
> asp has *always* supported regex...vb.net is the first time regex was
> directly supported, without COM, in vb. geee, why would that be? because NO
>> 10. Greater control over error handling, and more detailed error
>> messages.
> last i checked, try/catch/finally was introduced to asp around the same time
> it was supported in php. and, since it's the same construct, how do you
> suppose php has greater control. further, both php and asp allow you to
> generate customer error messages. as for the defined errors, i can only
> laugh. leave out a semi-colon in php, run the page in the browser and tell
> me exactly what the error means...not to mention WHERE the *actual* error
> is. ROFLMFAO !!!
> and, btw, when could you ever seemlessly integrate external resources (not
> just modules) into php. oh shit! you mean you had to use COM(). lol. in asp,
> if an api exists, i can consume it.
> how easy is it to set up php for debugging?
> can you use vb, c#, c, c++, or any one of 23 others to develop a php
> solution?
> can you switch, in code, mid-stream to from one language to another?
> if you have no clue as to the technology against which you are making
> comparisons, how the fuck can you expect to be taken seriously?!!! further,
> how can you ever expect to pick the right tool for the job...which is
> COMPLETELY what makes one better than the other! it's all relative to
> changing factors that you don't even consider, troll.
Do you get a kick out of insulting people on the internet? You, sir are
in need of a mouthwash with a bar of soap. If you cannot contribute to a
civilized discussion without swearing and insults then don't contribute
at all.
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