Posted by dorayme on 01/17/08 23:17
In article <Xns9A289447CE6ACnanopandaneredbojias@>,
Neredbojias <monstersquasher@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 19:51:58 GMT
> dorayme scribed:
> > In article <HEHjj.4471$421.889@news-server.bigpond.net.au>,
> > "rf" <rf@invalid.com> wrote:
> >
> >> And you take money from people for this rubbish?
> >>
> >> You really must be bloody kidding.
> >
> > Depends on what he lives in, what he drives, where he eats, where
> > he holidays, what tastes his wife has in shopping.
> Eh? Like what _are_ you babbling about? That makes about as much sense as
> a mongoose flying south for the winter.
A subscriber, A, comes on and asks about another subscriber, B,
if B is kidding about some crappy something B is doing for money.
And I say that B might be kidding all the way to the bank. Via a
slightly different image from him walking up to the bank and
depositing money and thinking, "If this is kidding, I am going to
be doing a lot me kidding".
Perhaps an worldly mongoose schmuck like yourself would have
better understood it if it was so literally put. But then you
might have misunderstood something else. Perhaps you have no
conception of the big spending wife, the idea that some people
have of flaunting their wealth and so on, all these things are
needed to understand the ravings of a visiting keen student to
your planet.
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