Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 01/20/08 23:01
Mark A. Boyd wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@attglobal.net> posted in comp.lang.php:
>> Manuel Lemos wrote:
>>> I developed the HTTP client class not just as a mere curl wrapper, but
>>> to actually add some benefits on top of curl/fsockopen. So, it was
>>> meant to add flexibility, not to remove it.
>>> That is why I questioned you about you flexibility statement. Maybe you
>>> tried an old version of the HTTP client class and you found some
>>> limitations that no longer exist. But if you still find it less
>>> flexible, I want to understand what you are talking about.
>> Manuel,
>> You are obviously not able to step back and take an objective look at
>> your classes. I have tried to discuss much of this with you previously,
>> but you have consistently argued about unrelated things.
>> I really don't feel like continuing this argument. Please let me know
>> when you can look at it objectively, and I will be happy to *discuss* it
>> with you.
>> I will continue to recommend cURL for the reasons I have outlined. The
>> difference is I have no relationship with cURL, other than as a user of
>> the library.
> PMFBI, but I don't understand why you don't see the flexibility offered by
> Manuel's class.
I see the flexibility. But it's still not as flexible as cURL.
> I suspect that most of us are not hired at the consultant level, but as
> application/Web developers. As such, we likely have much less influence over
> our clients' decisions about Web server configurations. If a client is paying
> consultant fees for advice, I would think they are more willing to listen to
> such advice. When hiring/contracting a Web developer, they are more apt to
> set the requirements that he/she must comply with.
As a web developer, you are a consultant. And my customers don't set
the requirements - we discuss them and agree on the requirements. They
trust my advice, because I have sound reasons for giving them.
> So, if one can build a library of reusable code via the httpClient class that
> works with/without cURL, well, isn't that flexible?
Sure. But I can do more with cURL than you can with the httpClient class.
> Or are you suggesting that one should develope this library with code to
> handle either situation oneself? If you were to do that, would you create two
> separate libraries of code or would you create a class that can handle either
> situation? (Ponder this question as a developer, not as a higher-paid
> consultant.)
I didn't say any such thing. The only thing I said was that cURL is
more flexible. Period. Nothing more.
> Or would you simply turn down jobs that cannot use cURL?
As I said. I negotiate with my customers. I didn't say what I would or
would not use in any specific situation. I use the tool most suited for
the job.
> (Note: I've only used cURL myself, but then I only work on our own sites -
> unfortunately inheriting some frightening stuff.)
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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