Posted by Dotan Cohen on 08/01/05 17:10
On 8/1/05, Alessandro Rosa <zandor_zz@yahoo.it> wrote:
> Dear All subscribers,
> I wish to submit to you a PHP class I coded to translate native language
> parsed queries into SQL syntax ones.
> The main goal of this class is the implementation into web-based
> applications
> for letting final users/customers input their own defined queries without
> knowing
> sql syntax strictly. This goes into the direction of giving wider
> flexibility to sql users.
> Native language queries really look like everyday input requests.
> Class still supports French and Italian, but I look forward to find helpers
> to
> supply other languages. So you are invited to visit this link
> http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/2449.html
> for further infos, as well as the class code, examples, shots to preview how
> it
> works and a short tutorial.
> For those who would like helping me to provide new language, I'm going
> to write down a PDF document for listing the general features, the
> properties
> of all entries to lessen the creation of new related dictionaries.
> Thanks,
> Alessandro Rosa
Do you have a website with a working example? I'd love to see this.
Dotan Cohen
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