Posted by Jochem Maas on 08/01/05 22:16
Rory Browne wrote:
> On 8/1/05, James <jtu@esidesign.com> wrote:
> Do the two machines share a common domain name? are your machines for
> example boxa.commondomain.com and boxb.commondomain.com if so then you
> can have the cookies(which hold the session tracking number) operate
> at the commondomain.com level. All you have to do then is configure
> one machine to get session files from the other.
> Otherwise you can use session.use_trans_sid and add the SID to the url
> when you header("Location")
> In windows you could do this by setting up a share containing the
> session files, and modding your php.ini file to reflect that the
> session info is stored in this file.
> If you don't have admin access to your boxes, then you could write a
> session handler on one of the systems to dl the necessary sesssion
> info on demand. For more info see
purely out of interest, see what? :-)
> Having that said, it seems to be a fairly common requirement - so
> there may be a cleaner solution to the one I have outlined here. I've
> just never needed it - so therefore I've never come across it.
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