Posted by Chaddy2222 on 01/23/08 15:18
On Jan 24, 2:06 am, Andy Dingley <ding...@codesmiths.com> wrote:
> On 23 Jan, 12:31, Travis Newbury <TravisNewb...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > On Jan 23, 7:13 am, Andy Dingley <ding...@codesmiths.com> wrote:
> > > you're obsessed with pixel-perfect image design
> > And by "obsessed with pixel-perfect image design" you mean
> > understanding that maybe, just maybe, different things apeal to
> > different people then you are right, I am obsessed with pixle perfect
> > design.
> That's not what I mean -- what I mean is "Thinking that the web is
> made out of printed paper"
> > But then so are my clients and their customers
> They they're still wrong.
> I understand your point here - I've worked in big ad agencies, and in
> magazine publishers. Both did terrible web design, because what they
> most wanted above all was a glossy magazine page that looked like an
> advert. Both thought that ghastly sliced-image web pages designed as
> PSDs were the right thing to deliver.
> One had end-user customers who hated the sites, the other simply had
> no end-user customers. The magazine publisher learned (over several
> years) and fixed many problems. The ad agency was insulated from
> reality because their immediate customers (big brands) didn't know any
> better either and didn't realise that there were no end-users. Finally
> they simply went bust (at least the web division of a huge
> conglomerate).
> > If you give the customer what they WANT they will return,
> Until they go bust. They might return, their end-user web browsers
> won't, because the sites suck.
> > if you try
> > to force feed them what you think they NEED you will lose.
> You might. You might convince them, or you might fail to. IMHE, they
> learned very slowly and finally got a clue about a year after I'd
> left.
> Or they might throw you out through the door, in which case at least
> you're not working for circle.com any more. Win, win, win!
Umm Andy Trav works for the entertainment industry (mainly sites such
Oh and he does the video players not the actual web authoring!.
Regards Chad. http://freewebdesignonline.org
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