Posted by ZeldorBlat on 01/23/08 22:55
On Jan 23, 4:35 pm, "davidgre...@gmail.com" <davidgre...@gmail.com>
> On Jan 23, 2:15 pm, ZeldorBlat <zeldorb...@gmail.com> wrote:> On Jan 23, 12:12 pm, "davidgre...@gmail.com" <davidgre...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > I've been going over this closure implementation in PHP:
> > >http://www.steike.com/code/php-closures/
> Thanks for the reply. I've been trying to figure out what exactly this
> guy is trying to do with his closure. It looks like he is trying to
> setup a text field and a button to return the text in the field when
> clicked. This doesn't make sense to me though because PHP is server
> side and as such, isn't equipped to handle client side clicks (unless
> I am missing something). Oh well, if anyone can make sense of it, let
> me know.
> Dave
> > > and came across some classes that I wasn't familiar with. Does anyone
> > > know if the following code is from some library? or is it the author's
> > > own code:
> > > new TextField();
> > > Layout::horizontal($a, $b);
> > > I've tried searching for it on google but couldn't find anything. Let
> > > me know if anyone has seen it.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Dave
> > Nothing like that is built into PHP.
He's just using those for the sake of illustration. It's not really
important what those classes actually do -- they could have been named
Foo and Bar.
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