Reply to Re: mp3 player

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Posted by Jeff on 01/24/08 16:32 wrote:
> On Jan 23, 10:49 pm, Jeff <> wrote:
>> dorayme wrote:
>>> In article <>,
>>> Jeff <> wrote:
>>>> I need a lightweight free to cheap mp3 audio player. It should have a
>>>> start and stop feature and auto play on page load.
>>> I use Quicktime or iTunes or (quite often the brilliant Preview
>>> feature in the Finder on Mac) I think at least you can get the
>>> first two free for a PC?
>> Many thanks. I'd completely forgotten about quicktime. And with that bit
>> of a hint I found the object/embed code.
>> Thanks again,
>> Jeff
> Jeff,
> You really need to stay away from Quicktime it is not used by most
> people and requires a lengthy download to use, and it tends to take
> over a person's computer like a nasty virus. It is much better to
> embed Windows media player because it is more universal and in most
> instances requires no download by the user. For W3C valid code and a
> complete tutorial on how to use visit
> or do a Google search for embedding media files.

Thanks, I had found a flash component and used that, but I have another
bit I need to do and will use the WMP. Times change. I know at one tim
eit would have been the other way.


> Daniel

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