Posted by Harlan Messinger on 01/24/08 23:35
SAZ wrote:
> In article <5vsindF1nv7nhU1@mid.individual.net>,
> hmessinger.removethis@comcast.net says...
>> SAZ wrote:
>>> In article <5vsfb3F1ogr1tU1@mid.individual.net>,
>>> hmessinger.removethis@comcast.net says...
>>>> SAZ wrote:
>>>>> A lesson in this business that I learned a long time ago - do what the
>>>>> customer wants, no matter how stupid it seems. Why give the work (and
>>>>> money) to someone else?
>>>> Because that isn't the only consideration in the world?
>>> You can be as self-righteous as you want. You can advise against
>>> something all day, but if the client wants it and it's legal, give it to
>>> him or be prepared to lose the business.
>> I heard you the first time. And then you asked, "why give the work to
>> someone else?" And I responded, "because [keeping the client's business]
>> isn't the only consideration in the world." You asked a question and I
>> answered it. I don't care if you don't like the answer. It's the answer.
>>> Anyone who has any kind of business sense knows that it's cheaper and
>>> easier to keep a customer than find a new one.
>> And again: that isn't the only consideration in the world. You may
>> choose to ignore as many of the other considerations as you like, but
>> they are still there, and I'm sure you would start to agree if your
>> client said to keep his business you, for example, must have an arm
>> removed. So please get off *your* high horse about how keeping a client
>> is the only consideration worth caring about.
> I hardly see where your analogy of having an arm removed is the same as
> giving the customer an mp3 player on the site.
The point of an analogy is to highlight something that isn't obvious in
the original case. Therefore, the thing being compared to is likely to
be more *extreme*. That doesn't mean it isn't *relevant*. The point here
is that your attitude "there is nothing in this world worth considering
other than whether you keep your client", expressed as an axiom, is not one.
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