Posted by mfiefvfm on 01/24/08 19:06
Messiah receive Him. If they reject Him, they give proof of Him by
their rejection.
763. The Jews, in testing if He were God, have shown that He was man.
764. The Church has had as much difficulty in showing that Jesus Christ was
man, against those who denied it, as in showing that He was God; and the
probabilities were equally great.
765. Source of contradictions.--A God humiliated, even to the death on the
cross; a Messiah triumphing over death by his own death. Two natures in
Jesus Christ, two advents, two states of man's nature.
766. Types.--Saviour, father, sacrificer, offering, food, king, wise,
law-giver, afflicted, poor, having to create a people whom He must lead and
nourish and bring into His land...
Jesus Christ. Offices.--He alone had to create a great people, elect, holy,
and chosen; to lead, nourish, and bring it into the place of rest and
holiness; to make it holy to God; to make it the temple of God; to reconcile
it to, and, save it from, the wrath of God; to free it from the slavery of
sin, which visibly reigns in man; to give laws to this people, and engrave
these laws on their heart; to offer Himself to God for them, and sacrifice
Himself for them; to be a victim without blemish, and Himself the
sacrificer, having to offer Himself, His body, and His blood, and yet to
offer bread and wine to God...
Ingrediens mundum.[154]
"Stone upon stone."
What preceded
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