Reply to Re: Searching hints for a web-app

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Posted by on 01/26/08 15:06

On Jan 25, 4:17 am, Enrico Fichtner <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I don't if this is the right newsgroup for that question, if not pls.
> could someone guide me to the right one ;)
> In my home, I have a computer sitting in the basement controlling all
> kinds of consumers in our house (lights, outlets - e.g. for TV, heater
> and so on). The switches in the walls do not switch the power, they just
> send singnals to the computer and that eventually (through a
> self-written program) turn on the consumers.
> For that scenario I have also written a neat client application (C++)
> that shows on different tabs the top view for each floor (and the
> garage) - on those vies you can see all the different consumers (like
> bulbs or outlets) as icons. Clicking on them turns the consumer on/off -
> it reflects the state of the consumer by using different icons (bulb on,
> bulb off). The client is connected through CORBA with the server.
> What I would like to do is, to come up with a web-based solution equal
> to that client. I think plain html drops out because it can not be
> notified when a consumer changes its state. The only two possibilities I
> can think of would be using Java-Applets or a flash animation. With the
> latter one I have no experience whatsoever, it is just a (uneducated)
> guess.
> Anyone who could lend a hand on this project?
> BTW: I could easely integrate a web server into the controller or run
> Apache on the same machine.
> Thanks!

Since you are already familiar with C++, I believe would be
the best way to go. Do you already have Microsoft Visual?


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