Reply to Re: Just a little anecdotal evidence

Your name:


Posted by asdf on 10/06/89 12:01

"dorayme" <> wrote in message
> In article
> <479d1793$0$9770$>,
> "asdf" <> wrote:
>> "dorayme" <> wrote in message
>> > In article
>> > <479c2a7a$0$9758$>,
>> > "asdf" <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Is that a fair summary?
>> >
>> > No. You have bought the not very clear or coherent Boji
>> > distinction between "engineering" and "design" hook, line and
>> > sinker. You do not clarify it but simply repeat it.
>> >
>> Who said I was summarising to placate you? LMGDAO
> I had not meant to imply you were. Keep your shirt on. Let me put
> it more diplomatically, asdf, I think you are adopting a
> distinction that is open to serious criticism. <g>

I understand your position that engineering perfection can be beautiful.

What I don't buy, however, is that it is not always the case that a
perfectly engineered piece is *necessarily* beautiful. Sure, I can
appreciate "logical" beauty, but the hoary old phrase "Beauty is in the eye
of the beholder" is still true.

For you a wrench is beautiful (as you state in a prior post). I can
appreciate the beauty of it's design, and it's fitness for purpose, but I do
not find it, as an object, intrinsically 'beautiful'.

Design (as I and many others understand it), is more than perfect
engineering. If it were not so, the world would be devoid of art (for
instance), and be a sadder place for it.

Producing a well designed and engineered piece is as much about
*communication* of an idea or style, as it is about fulfilling a functional

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