Reply to Re: Just a little anecdotal evidence

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Posted by Harlan Messinger on 10/05/09 12:01

asdf wrote:
> "dorayme" <> wrote in message
>> In article
>> <479d4601$0$10796$>,
>> "asdf" <> wrote:
>>>> Many webpages - J.Korpela's website pages, to take an example -
>>>> are pleasing enough. If they were "more pleasing" than they
>>>> needed to be, they would look ugly. The insatiable desire for
>>>> pleasures of the eye often come from those who are not that
>>>> interested in the substantial things in an informational or
>>>> teaching website. They misunderstand the product they are dealing
>>>> with and their demands are quite unreasonable and superficial.
>>> Ok... we seem to have stumbled upon a point of agreement... that many
>>> websites are produced by designers (and I use the term VERY loosely here)
>>> that are trying too hard to impress. ...
>>> In my own case, as a producer AND consumer of web designs, I prefer that
>>> the
>>> design *enhances* and *emphasises* the content,
>> I can see it is not going to be easy to get my idea across. You
>> talk of a design enhancing and emphasising the content as if the
>> design is something like a deodorant spray or an inessential coat
>> of paint in the dunny.
> Then you missed the point. The 'design' is an intrinsically essential part
> of communicating the message. Content PLUS presentation is the message.

How is the message differing from page to page to page on all the
variously pages at

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