Posted by cwdjrxyz on 01/30/08 17:47
On Jan 30, 9:16 am, "Paul" <orelieteNOS...@NOSPAMtiscali.it> wrote:
> I have tried to validate my web site, and it has a lot of errors.
> Now, the site works fine in IE and Mozilla Firefox without problems.
> I don't know if there are problems using other browsers.
> I am asking to you if it is really so important the correct validating when I work very well with my site as it is now.
> Recently I have improved it using your experience, thank you very much.
> As you can see, I am only a self-made-html-man :-))
> Paul
> --http://www.tortebomboniere.com/bomboniere/favourcake01.html
Some of those cakes look good enough to eat. However the air express
to the US likely would cost far more than the cake these days. I used
to order a torte from Demel in Vienna for the holidays, but the air
express increases have prompted me to not do so for the past few
I will comment only on the validation problem. I have been called many
things, but being a good artist is not one of them :-). First there
must be a Doctype and Character encoding. If you let the w3c validator
default, the page can not be validated at all. However, even using
likely docytypes and character encoding, there still are many
validation errors. There are some huge commercial sites that are full
of validation errors. Many of these look as if they were written by a
committee(or html template program) over several years with portions
of code written in html 3.2, various versions of html 4.01, and
sometimes various versions of xhtml. Because many browsers will
respond correctly to such a mixture, the page may appear satisfactory
from a practical viewpoint. However one must check the page on most
common browsers to see that it works properly, and when a browser
updates there is no certainty that it still will work properly. Thus,
if you do not bring the page up to some w3c standard (html 4.01 strict
likely would be ideal for your page), you need to check it on browsers
likely to be used for it. In addition to recent IE and Firefox, I
would suggest Opera and Safari at a minimum. Opera is a free download.
For those with a Windows OS, there is now Safari for Windows which
also is a free download. Since Seamonkey uses a basic Firefox type
browser with many extras, it likely will respond the same as Firefox,
but it is also a free download if you wish to check.
Even for someone who knows html well, your page could take quite a
while to update to some W3C standard, because many changes would be
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