Posted by Franz Marksteiner on 02/01/08 14:15
bobo wrote:
> Hello,
> How can I output the file with arguments... i.e
> I have a file called first.php
> and i have a file called second.php
> what I want to do is output the first.php, but with arguments...
> something like this
> first.php?id=1
> and in the first.php I check the id... and run the script depending on
> the id... so... if id is 1... it outputs... i.e. 'first test', and if
> id is 2, it outputs 'second test'
> so... what I want to do is...
> output first.php?id=1
> and to get -> first test
> and if I output first.php?id=2
> to get -> second test
Just set the desired output in a switch, and perform the output...
case 1:
$myOutput = 'first test';
case 2:
$myOutput = 'second test';
echo $myOutput;
Freundliche Grüße,
Franz Marksteiner
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