Posted by Justin Koivisto on 08/05/05 16:33
lwoods wrote:
> When I execute the following script I can connect using 'mysqli_connect' but
> I get a "DB Error: Not Found" when I display the $db->Message() after
> attempting the DB::Connect.
> And, "yes", the "restaurant" database does exist.
> Where should I start looking?
> PHP 5.0.4 / mySQL 4.1.13-nt / IIS / XP Pro
> TIA,
> Larry Woods
> <?php
> require 'DB.php';
> $db=mysqli_connect('localhost','root','xxxx','restaurant');
> if (! $db ) {
> die("Can't connect: ".mysqli_connect_error());
> }
> else {
> echo "Connection successful!<br/>";
> mysqli_close($db);
> }
> $db=DB::connect('mysql://root:xxxx@localhost/restaurant');
> if (DB::isError($db)) {
> die($db->getMessage());
> }
> else {
> print "\$db connection was successful!";
> }
> ?>
When using mysqli_* try also mysqli_select_db and mysqli_query to see if
there are any odd errors there. Your dsn looks fine, and you check for
an error the correct way for a PEAR package, but I don't use DB, so the
only other suggestion I would have is to print_r the $db var if it is an
error and inspect the other properties. Sometimes the PEAR::Error object
holds more information than what is returned in getMessage (FME, anyway)
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