Posted by Al Camp on 08/06/05 18:10
"Jedi Fans" <"news[at]jedifans[-=dot=-]com"> wrote in message
> Al Camp wrote:
>> I added the following OnMouseOver/Out code... (got it from Googling
>> this NG)
>> <A HREF="index.html"
>> onMouseOver="document.homepage.src='img/btn_homegrn.gif'"
>> onMouseOut="document.homepage.src='img/btn_home.gif'">
>> <IMG SRC="img/btn_home.gif" name="homepage" ALT = "0" BORDER="0"
>> height= "47" WIDTH="131"</A>
> closing > to img
Once again... thanks. I corrected the > in all instances. If Tidy would
run, it probably would have picked up that typo.
Looks as though the MouseOver/Out code just won't "parse" using available
HTML checkers.
W3C still fails with only one error - "Not 4,0 transitional"
Line 25, column 36: there is no attribute "NAME"
I'm sure if I delete that code, the "fall out" error will move to the
next instance of the MouseOver code, and call the same error.
And, Tidy still won't run. I think it just craps out when it comes
across the Mouse code.
Looks as though I'll just have to "gut it out" and learn scripting, or...
drop the Mouse code altogether. I can only assume MouseOver/Out is obsolete
in 4.0 Transitional.
Thanks Jedi,
Al Camp
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