Posted by Jochem Maas on 10/04/06 11:23
Marcus Boerger wrote:
> Hello Jochem,
> lookup the archieves. We have long ago decided agains that.
I'll take your word on it. :-) (shame on me for not searching harder
before asking)
thanks for replying.
> marcus
> Friday, August 5, 2005, 2:26:04 PM, you wrote:
>>Dear Internals,
>>class FooBar { public function foo() throws Exception {} }
>>function fooFoo() throws Exception {}
>> this came up on php-generals and I wondered if anyone had time/cared
>>to comment if it (as it does to me) seems like a good idea and/or whether it is
>>technically feasable. My thinking was that one could then use the reflection API
>>to determine whether functions/methods are capable of throwing exceptions and or
>>what kind - might be quite handy when using third party apps/classes
>>(PEAR springs to mind.)
>>thanks and regards,
>><the rest is blabla aimed at php-generals>
>>Torgny Bjers wrote:
>>>Norbert Wenzel wrote:
>>>>If there is a class with a function, that might throw exceptions and
>>>>does NOT catch them, may I write that like in Java?
>>>>class FooClass {
>>>> public function foo() throws Exception {
>>think about this, especially in terms of the Reflection API, it sounds
>>like a really good idea (at least to me)
>>>> }
>>>>Or is there another possibility to tell a function throws an exception
>>>>and to force the caller to handle that exception?
>>>>thanks in advance,
>>>Hello Norbert,
>>>The Java way doesn't work here. The best approach would be to simply run
>>>a try/catch/finally around the call to your function/method, and inside
>>>the function itself you do the following:
>>>if (...) { throw new Exception("My message."); } }
>>indeed - bottom line is you have to know that a function/method/extension may
>>throw. mostly you do know because:
>>1. you wrote the code,
>>2. or it's documented in the extension manual pages
>>3. and/ro you hit an unacaught exception whilst developing.
>>my approach to cover any oversights is to wrap every thing in a main try/catch block
>>just in case - keeping in mind that the idea is that this 'main' catch block is never run
>>is al goes well.
> Best regards,
> Marcus
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