Posted by Si on 11/12/73 11:23
Si wrote:
> tonicvodka@hotmail.com wrote:
>> When you want to reserve a certain week you click on it once and it
>> changes color to blue for preliminary, clicking it twice makes it
>> red(booked) and a third time brings it back to green(available). The
>> problem is the number inside the cell gets marked when you are clicking
>> it. Is there a way to prevent this?
> If i remember correctly, the following should work, just typed without
> checking.
> <body onselectstart="return false" ondragstart="return false">
> Also, unreliable accross browsers and js on/off.
> Also, any other methods can be used to select the text, so probably not
> much point using it.
> Si
Bit quick on hitting send there, just seen what you really want, don't
think the above code is of anyuse at all as it will disable the clicking
on the text as you want.
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