Posted by on 08/18/05 00:56
| I read your previous post, but I failed to comprehend:
| It may be obvious to you, but it is not to me why none of the rows
| would be selected when L is in the list.
| You may know your business rules and business domain - we don't. And
| if you fail to explain me, it's getting difficult to write a query
| for you. I mean, you know the business rules, but can still not write
| the query.
understood. i do. and, i have.
| Anyway, it's all up to you. If you prefer to yell "Jesus Christ",
| rather than helping us to help you, please do so.
it is, and i've taken care of it. "jesus christ" was frustration and was not
in leu of me helping you help me. as a matter of fact, in each post i've
tried to get everyone to understand what i was going for...but all i got in
return was essentially, "we can't function till we can cut/copy/paste". the
table structure was NOT the issue at all and is NOT difficult to create on
your own...2 columns at most, for CHRIST'S sake. ;^) oh well, no need making
this casm of "official posting format" and "pragmatism" what you want...i
already understand that for most here (at least in this case), the divide is
substancially wide.
anyway, the query runs fine now.
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