Reply to Re: query help

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Posted by  on 08/18/05 01:39

| > the table structure was NOT the issue at all and is NOT difficult to
| > create on your own...2 columns at most,
| Had the rest of the problem description been clear enough I would maybe
| have done it. Or just posted an untested query. But when you don't provide
| tables, don't provide INSERT statements, don't provide sample data, and
| your description is not clear enough, then the bar is too high for me
| being interested in playing guessing games.

now we enter the realm of "horse-shit". i provided a description of the
tables, just not a create table script. not only that, but i also provided
sample data *and* sample output from the query *i* provided - the response i
got to both of these was: "Let's not 'say the header table's data looks
like' anything." in light of those 2 provisions, the bar was fairly low in
my average estimation...but, i'll give you the benefit-of-the-doubt and
assume you just didn't see my second post *or* the response it got.

each time i posted, i tried to clear up what my aim with the query was but
this was *never* addressed - as each respondant could not get over the
"official post format" condundrum/mantra. i would have tried to better
define this if someone/anyone would have even come close to bucking the no one could, i did not say any more than the first 2 posts

| You see, it's not that I'm paid to do this or anything.

cry me a river. i'm a "non-paid" contributer to 3 other newsgroups in which,
my technical prowess is appreciated and respected...even moreso when the op
was vague with defining the problem. i do my best to help each one and i
only get pissed - or become less-than-useful - if the question posted
doesn't relate to the context of the ng. i'm pretty flexible when it comes
to cross and multi posting. this is what i had inadvertantly expected of
contributers here. as this was my first visit here, i will know what to
expect in the future in the way of help...should i ever feel like coming
back! (to which everyone is probably saying, "yeah"...that's fine by me!)

| > anyway, the query runs fine now.
| Glad to hear that you got it working.

i do appreciate everyone's participation...i just wish it would have been
more fruitful for all involved.

thanks anyway,


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