Posted by Barry Koopersmith on 08/22/05 03:52
Greg N. wrote:
> Greg N. wrote:
> Whoops, I messed up. I meant to say:
> The file at is terminated by a
> LineFeed (hex 0a).
> The file is
> terminated by a CarriageReturn/LineFeed (hex 0d0a).
> I have no idea if that's what makes the difference.
I edited Scenic-3songs.m3u so it ends in a hex 0a (I deleted the 0a) but
it still behaves the same way.
Here is a new link:
On this webpage, I have a link to your my Scenic-3songs.m3u and a link
to your Caruso1903.m3u. When I click on the "Scenic-3songs.m3u" link, it
pops up WinAmp but does not play the mp3. When I click on the
"Caruso1903.m3u" link, it pops up WinAmp and it plays the mp3.
Caruso1903.m3u contains this:
Scenic-3songs.m3u contains this:
Can you tell me why your m3u plays the mp3 from the link and mine does
not (only using IE; all other web browsers work OK)?
If you have Internet Explorer, please try both links and tell me if they
both play the mp3 for you.
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