Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 08/22/05 06:01
On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 11:57:57 +1000, Vampi Fangs <vampi@nwglfo.org>
>On Sun, 21 Aug 2005 18:14:41 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
><usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
>>On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 10:07:13 +1000, Vampi Fangs <vampi@nwglfo.org>
>>>On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 03:24:34 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
>>><usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
>>>>On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 10:03:15 GMT, Adie <adie@example.com> wrote:
>>>>>On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 12:58:05 +1000, Vampi Fangs wrote:
>>>>>> and more horrors
>>>>>> http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A//www.backwater-productions.net/_test_platform/bw3/main.html
>>>>Vampicramps nonpinions are a lil too static for my tastes. My sites
>>>>reflect my skill, which continues to advance on a near hourly basis:
>>>>`, )
>>>good on you for making the effort to invent your own dtd, unnecessary
>>>though it may be
>>Oh look, there's Blowhard talkin about teh chit like she even knows
>>fuck all about it. And yeah, Stupid, it is necessary, for a WHOLE
>>variety of reasons that fly MILES above yer pointed lil head.
>other than the embed problem which can be solved by using flash satay,
>what other reasons?
There's Google Bitch, hard at stupid once again. Every time someone
points out what a fucking poser she is she starts ass raping Google
for backup...too bad the dumb fuckin broad doesn't even comprehend
what the fuck she's reading, otherwise she would know that, that
method would severely limit what you can do. I won't bother going
into details about it (Mimic might take the bother to explain it), but
I'm not here to educate this stupid fuckin drooler, as far as I'm
concerned she and the rest of the fuckin posers can keep on being blow
hards. They'll learn the hard way if they ever decide to stop talking
shit, quit READING and start DOING.
Sorta like the JavaScript positioning that I tried the other day, some
doofy fucker from a Google search CLAIMED that it worked on IE and
Safari on the Mac, but lo and behold that turned out to be just
another pile of shit. Vampicramps is so fuckin stupid she doesn't
even bother to actually test what she reads, instead she just slurps
it up and regurgitates it without actually even taking the bother to
learn anything.
Face it Vamps, you don't know fuck all, you just like to argue (even
though you suck at it).
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
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