Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 08/22/05 06:30
On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 11:56:23 +1000, Vampi Fangs <vampi@nwglfo.org>
>>>>I set my own standards now:
>>>not that this will help if your dtd does not describe compatible cross
>>>browser standards
>>What are you drooling about now? Do you even know? Or are you just
>>randomly pulling shit out of your ass to try and sound "techie"?
What's the matter, Vamps, still tryin to figure it out? Do you want
some help? Do you need someone who isn't a fuckin poser like you to
explain why what you said makes absolutely no fuckin sense what so
>>>however in this case, the page appears to validate to html 4.01
>>My DTD is a modified version of XHTML transitional that allows you to
>>use the embed tag in the header tags, it also has support for various
>>other previously unsupported chit (and unlike the W3C my standards are
>>based on what's ACTUALLY currently cross browser compatible).
>it doesn't validate with xhtml 1.0 transitional
Bang yer stupid head into the wall a few more times, Retard.
LOL, you see how easily Vampicramps is exposed when she can't find
anything in Google to back herself up with. The minute you start
talking about high end subjects like DTD hacking that aren't covered
very well by existing online sources and she just starts fumbling
around in the dark like an idiot. What, do you think no one notices,
ya stupid moron.
>>I'm still working on hacking the DTD so that I can use the embed tag
>>in the body...which I can do, and it'll come up with zero errors, but
>>the W3C will claim it's not valid (although other validators say it's
>>perfect). I'm sure eventually I'll find some way of making it work
>>like I want it to. I already checked to see if anyone else had hacked
>>it successfully, no one has yet.
>if you are using flash and xhtml, afaik you don't need to use embed
>eg. flash satay method
Google harder, moron. That method is grossly inefficient and just
downright fuckin DUMB. Why on earth would you do it that way instead
of making your own custom DTD?
....well I suppose if you were just some stupid POSER like you making
your own custom DTD might be impossible, but still, I'm sure there are
SOME freebie prehacked DTDs out there that you could download.
Free cl00, MORON, what happens if you wanna lil Quicktime?
autoplay, cache, controller, href, kioskmode, autohref,
dontflattenwhensaving, enablejavascript, endtime, movieid, moviename,
playeveryframe, goto1, qtnext1, target1, qtsrc, qtsrcchokespeed,
qtsrcdontusebrowser, scale, starttime, target, targetcache,
urlsubstitute, volume, correction, hotspot1, fov, node, pan, tilt
Hrmmm...suddenly your stupidity doesn't work so good does it? Google,
bitch, GOOGLE! ROTFL...oh wait, it gets even better, what about wmp?
AudioStream, CurrentPosition, CurrentMarker, DisplayBackColor,
DisplayForeColor, AnimationAtStart, EnablePositionControls,
DisplaySize, EnableFullScreenControls, EnableContextMenu,
BufferingTime, AutoSize, AutoStart, EnableTracker, ShowControls,
AllowScan, Balance, SendWarningEvents, TransparentAtStart, Mute,
PreviewMode ShowDisplay, Volume, Rate, VideoBorderWidth,
SendKeyboardEvents, SendMouseClickEvents, SendPlayStateChangeEvents,
SendErrorEvents, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd, InvokeURLs,
DisplayMode, AllowChangeDisplaySize, AutoRewind, PlayCount, Language,
ShowCaptioning, ShowStatusBar, WindowlessVideo, VideoBorderColor,
SendMouseMoveEvents, SendOpenStateChangeEvents, ShowAudioControls,
ClickToPlay, VideoBorder3D, ShowTracker, Enabled, CursorType,
ShowGotoBar, ShowPositionControls, etc.
LOL and those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head.
Tsch, tsch, tsch...for all the time you spend being a poser Vamps you
could actually learn some of this chit...rather than just pretending
that you do.
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
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