Posted by macbri on 08/22/05 16:32
Hilarion Wrote:
> > Why would this error come up
> >
> > >insert command denied to user: 'user@localhost' for table
> 'useronline'
> >
> > I am trying to access my server from a remote computer, so why would
> I
> > get user@localhost localhost ??? surely I would have got
> user@mydomain
> > or whatever mydomain is ??
> I do not know (I do not use MySQL).
> Maybe it's all about user on the server system (which is localhost
> for the MySQL server) which is used to access the MySQL (not the
> MySQL login). Or maybe the MySQL login you are using is
> user@localhost.
> You may want to ask this question on "alt.php.sql".
> Hilarion
Hilarion is correct. The Apache server running PHP is what's accessing
(or trying to at any rate) the MySQL server on the same system. In
other words, your remote computer connects to the web server which in
turn connects to the database. Hence the "user@localhost"....
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