Posted by adam on 08/23/05 02:03
I have strange problem.
I write to MySQL data to table with one column of varchar(8000). I write
750000 bytes, so it get 93 records of 8000 bytes and the last - 6000bytes.
but what is strange - when I check length of this records:
select len(column_name) from table_name
this last record ( which is 6000bytes length ) isn't on 94 position, but ...
on 14 position !?
The same, when I try to reads recods:
select column name from table name
this 6000 record apear on 14 position instead on 94 position
It's important to me to get this record on proper ( last) position to not
change ( complicating ) my C++ application algoritm.
Could someone help me, please
thanks in advance
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