Posted by Dave on 02/21/05 11:22
PHP General,
The Situation:
I would like to set up a few newsletters that goes out to people
listed in a MySQL database by sending the message from a web form
generated by PHP. The mail will be sent out using the mail() command.
Most of the newsletters that users can subscribe to are unlikely to
have more than 100 or 200 recipients. But the main one will start out
with 500, and soon reach 1000. Beyond that it's hard to say. It's
conceivable it might even get to 2000 or more, but for now I'm assuming
I should build something that can handle 1500 recipients.
The Question:
I know I can specify multiple email addresses in the BCC field by
comma delineating them. But I'm wondering if there is an upper limit to
how many email addresses can be attached this way. Is there any upper
limit? Are there performance considerations? Is the limit within PHP or
the mail server or a combination of both?
Dave Gutteridge
Tokyo Comedy Store
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