Posted by Philip Ronan on 08/24/05 14:48
"Doug Johnston" wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to pass the following and it keeps giving the same error...
> 0from%20sysuser%20where%20companies%20LIKE'%0002%'%20AND%20usrflag%20='U'&tbln
> ame=curSysuser
> ...the problem is the LIKE '%0002%'. If I remove the %'s from each side
> of the value, no error.
> Anyone got any ideas
> Regards
> Doug Johnston
You should have URLencoded the percent characters:
But I have to say that running SQL requests directly from unvalidated HTTP
requests is really stupid and irresponsible. Publishing the URL of this
insecure database is really asking for trouble. Fix it now before someone
f**ks up your database.
phil [dot] ronan @ virgin [dot] net
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