Posted by MF on 08/25/05 12:07
Thanx a lot all of you. I was looking in the Master db for these files,
combining them will be difficult but I'll give it a try.
Simon Hayes wrote:
> You'll probably have to combine a few different things to get those
> details - check out sysobjects, syscolumns, object_name(),
> objectproperty(), columnproperty() and fn_listextendedproperty() in
> Books Online. You could also have a look at the source for sp_help,
> which returns most of the items you're interested in.
> If you can't work out what you're looking for, I suggest you post a
> simple CREATE TABLE statement (or perhaps use to a table in the pubs
> database as an example), and show what your desired output would look
> like for that table - that will probably be clearer than a description.
> You might also want to clarify why Madhivanan's suggestion didn't work
> for you.
> Simon
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