Posted by Malkavian on 08/26/05 10:15
On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 23:28:13 -0700, Fly Cooter
<fly_cooter_@example.com> wrote:
>>Right nyah: this._quality = "best";
>>Especially when you're exporting stand alone exe's for use on like a
>>CD-ROM, cause if you go over around 3.5MB it'll automatically drop to
>>like "shit" quality by default. o_O
>>From what I can tell it takes longer to export, but it doesn't affect
>>the size and nor the rendering speed for that matter (although I'm on
>>a fairly speedy system). I'm assuming their "quality" settings are
>>just the form of image resizing (like bilinear/bicubic vs nearest
>>neighbor). Not sure what "best" is using, probably something like
>>Lanczos resizing.
>You are aware that the surfer can change the quality of how he views the
>Flash movie on his computer, right? Wha<WHACK>
You, the deficient fuckin loser who doesn't know shit about anything
cannot access "best" quality from a right click. The best you as the
fuckin loser who doesn't know shit about anything can do is "low",
"medium" or "high".
Here ya go, grasshopper, see if you can't get a fuckin cl00 already:
Shit, fuckin posers everywhere these days wanderin all the fuck around
on Usenet with Geoshitties smears thinkin they know fuck all about web
design. You don't know shit, Kid. What the fuck are you even doing
replyin to my threads? I guess yer dumbass just doesn't fuckin learn,
do ya? Cause I just gotta keep verbally poundin yer head into the
gawd damn Jesus killing wall, but it seems like no matter how much you
get slapped around like a bitch you just don't get it, do ya? You're
a loser kid. A unproducing, talentless, lil mama's boi who got beat
the fuck down so much in high school it stunted yer growth. And
somewhere along the line yer dumbass got the family VCR to stop
blinkin 12:00, cause yer loser ass didn't have anything better to be
doin on a Saturday night and suddenly yer great aunt Mildred and the
rest of the fam started singin yer praises, didn't they? Lil Fly
Poofter is a computer genius. Well guess what, kid? Yeah, you got
LIED to. Spastic tweenage muppet fucks hyped up on crystal meth have
got more skillz than you. You don't know SHIT about computers and you
never will either. You have about as much technical talent as a ditsy
blond has brains. You don't know fuck all what you didn't slurp up
out of some half cocked Google search, so why don't you just get it
through that stupid fuckin FAT head of yours? Yer a loser...you don't
belong here in these froups kid. You have ZERO to contribute, you
have ZERO creativity, you have ZERO talent and you have ZERO
potential. Give it the fuck up man. I mean at least that fool whose
running that LowGenius site he's got potential, but you...you ain't
got shit, you never will. *shrugs*
You wanna fuckin cry about it now? Go ahead bitch, fuckin BAWL!
*shakes head*
Gawd damn stupid fuckin posers, really startin to tick me off. `, \
"I'll give you power if you kill your friends."
mhm ² x ²
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