Reply to Re: [PHP] Hi ALL

Your name:


Posted by Rory Browne on 02/23/05 16:37


First of all, no that was not intended at you. Dhanasekar asked a
question, and I answered it. I don't think the rest of your
message/attack is particularly relevent, with the above taken into

I simply saw a question that I knew the answer to, and answered it as
best I could. It wasn't meant to talk down, or state obvious, but
rather to mention things, that people generally don't think of, or in
the case of the newbie guide/smart-question guide, just don't know.

If you are going to judge my 'giving a little back' then try to get
your facts straight. I think my 'giving back' greatly outweighs my
'taking' from this and any other tech forum that I've ever used. I'll
provide you with a sample if necessary.

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 12:35:29 +0100, Jochem Maas <> wrote:
> Rory Browne wrote:
> > How to use this list best:
> >
> > Search the archives at for [NEWBIE GUIDE] It was written
> > by Jay Blanchard earlier this year I believe. Read it.
> heh Rory, is this aimed at me or did you just reply to my mail for
> convienience? I happen to know the NEWBIE GUIDE quiet intimately
> (n'est pas Jay? :-)
> >
> > Then read this:
> >
> > Then try learning PHP from the PHP manual. If you come across a
> > problem, then explain the problem, AND WHAT STEPS YOU HAVE TAKEN TO
> >
> > Give a little back. After you've learn't a little, and you see someone
> me again. well i have mailed the list 235 times since 12-1-05 (as far as my local
> mail folders go atm) - granted not all are useful/valid answers,
> - compared to your 7 posts. I feel that I have satisfied the 'little' in
> 'give a little back' even if you don't :-).
> anyway its not a pissing content, besides if it was I'd put my money on
> Richard Lynch for all categories:
> 1. total number of posts
> 2. highest average no. of posts/week
> 3. longest post
> 4. total no. of words written
> 5. highest average no. of words/post
> :-)
> > else posting a question that you know the answer to an feel you can
> > explain well, then hit your email clients reply button.
> >
> > If you want to fit in, and you want to be taken seriously, and most
> > importantly if you want to learn, then consider the above points.
> again is this aimed at me? no biggy but really I don't want to fit
> in all that bad....
> <quote person="Groucho Marx">
> I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member ;-)
> </quote>
> ...
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 23:21:48 +0100, Jochem Maas <> wrote:
> >
> >>Bret Hughes wrote:
> >>
> >>>On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 05:27, Dhanasekar T wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>hi all,
> >>>>i m new to this group i want to learn php.
> >>
> >>right now? not in five minutes.
> I was kidding!
> >>
> >>
> >>>>i want all u r guidence to utilise this group...
> >>>>thanks in advance
> >>>>dhanas
> >>>
> >>Dhanas,
> >>
> >>do you have php installed ?
> Dhana is very welcome to answer this question, and maybe give
> some background as to his/her general skill level
> **give us more input Dhana and maybe we can point you in the
> right direction**
> so come on Dhana - talk to us, tell us what your capable of
> and what you would like to accomplish (be specific and start out
> small if your a 'virgin programmer' ;-)
> >>can you access ? the best place to start
> >>reading/learning....
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>>I would start by looking at and dare I say reading the manual at
> >>> Then surf around for a beginners tutorial, and start coding.
> >>>
> >>>I suspect the learning curve shape depends on whether you have any
> >>>previous programming experience or not.
> >>
> >>hey! I was looking forward to being utilized. ;-)
> my hope is that Dhana is not so stupid that he assumes that my bit of
> humor was directly meant to make fun of his command of the english language.
> I can find Dhanas use of words funny without requiring that I also
> must mock him... besides the fact that I made the joke might be useful feedback
> to Dhana with regard to bettering his English - Im sure he/she wishes to be able to
> communicate as effectively as possible.
> going back to your point about 'If you want to fit in': we are in the lower
> echelons of hackerdom (for want of a better description). Fitting in entails
> acting like a hacker.....which means be f****** resourceful, read, study, test,
> experiment, don't _expect_ to be spoonfed knowledge/answers (heh you may get
> lucky once in a while and get a visit from the BlueFairy but don't count on it).
> we that was my daily dose of prescribed stress relief :-)
> >>
> >>
> >>>Bret
> >>>
> >>
> >>--
> >>PHP General Mailing List (
> >>To unsubscribe, visit:
> >>
> >>

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