Posted by Robert Klemme on 08/29/05 17:28
Magnus Österberg wrote:
> I guess my expectations on selecting based on a non-indexed column
> were somewhat high. When I added an index, my query executes in
> seconds.
> One index solved this problem, but my table contains 30-40 similar
> columns, and I don't think indexing every column is a good idea.
Two things come to mind:
1. rethink your table design. If these columns are so similar you might
be better off with a second table which is joined. But that of course
depends on your data - just an idea.
2. Create indexes (possibly composite indexes) for most used queries. You
might even get away with a single (or few) composite index if your queries
only use a leading portion of this index's fields.
> Isn't there any other ways of speeding up selects? Well, I guess
> not...
Well, there are tons of other options, like having data files on several
disks, putting tx log on a separate disk, adding memory, .... It all
depends. :-)
Kind regards
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