Reply to Fwd: [PHP] Word file to PDF

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Posted by Rory Browne on 02/24/05 15:17

Sorry - forgot to cc this to the list.

[off-topic] Any idea if there is any way to set up gmail so that it
automaticly replys to the list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rory Browne <>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 13:12:15 +0000
Subject: Re: [PHP] Word file to PDF
To: Kevin Javia <>

You could check out wvware. I believe you can find it at although I'm not sure.

Alternatively you could probably find some way of automating
openoffice to do it for you. I reckon that OOo has a better filter for
converting them than wvware. If you don't need this urgently, then you
could wait until mid-march for OOo 2.0, which will aparently have
better MSOffice compatability, and use that instead.

If you're on a Windows box, and have MSWord installed, you could
probably install the PDF Printer driver, and then have MSWord open the
file, and 'print' it to the PDF driver, using OLE automation.

So to summerise: Hints: wvware or Office Word Processor + automation

If you want a simple solution that works perfectly all of the time,
then you're probably in bother.

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 10:12:18 +0530, Kevin Javia <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> How can I convert a Word file (*.doc) to PDF file? Are there any libraries
> available?
> Can you give me some hint how can I do that?
> Thanks.
> Kevin.
> --
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