Posted by Tom Scales on 09/04/05 16:19
"Allan" <allan@burnttoastdesign.net> wrote in message
> Hi, I have been using MXSuite since it came out a couple years ago, and
> cfml for most larger products, but am expanding now into php, as the
> server costs are well, free rather then like $50 a month for a cfml
> server.
> I have managed to find most of the info that I need via the www. but I
> cannot find any info on making an image change on a mouse roll over.
> ________
> | MAIN |
> ________
> {TN} {TN} {TN} {TN}
> Like my diagram? Anyway MAIN is the image that is loaded on the page
> load, and the TN's are the thumbnails;
> Is there a code to change the MAIN image to one of the TN images when a
> person rolls over the {TN} thumbnail? This may not be a php function, I
> am thinking it would prob be more of a <STYLE> function, but alas I am at
> a loss.
> If need be I can create one quickly in flash but would rather have it all
> coded just so I know.
> Thanks
This really has nothing to do with PHP. PHP is all server side, so it isn't
going to do this. You need to find some other code, probably Javascript,
that will do it, and have your PHP code generated the Javascript.
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