Posted by Rory Browne on 10/04/82 11:09
> Run PHP on a windows platform that has MSWord and the PDF printing libraries
> installed. Use PHP's COM support to load an MSWord object and see if you can
> get it to load the word document and print it out as a PDF file. Once it is
> printed to the file, you can use PHP to read the file and do whatever is needed
> from here.
That's pretty much one of my suggestions, although I considered it
only a suitable/practical solution if s/he was running a windows box
anyway. I wouldn't take on the pain, and cost of switching to a
windows box, solely for the sake of converting word docs.
> I've never tried it with PHP, but with experimentation and research you should
> be able to make it work. I know that where I work we convert MS Word, Excel,
> and other kinds of documents to PDFs automatically using this method, though I
> think the appliaction than controls everything is written in C.
I'd like to see the code that you use for that. The COM Methods would
be independent of the language used. Would you be allowed to share it
with us?
> Parsing and MSWord file manually with images et al, then reliably converting it
> to a PDF document... Yikes, if anyone can do this, you're my god.
Check out my initial response to this post. wvWare can reliably
convert a word doc with images. It falls down a bit, when it comes to
embedded charts, or something like that or so I've heard.
It seems like the staroffice/openoffice, and wvware devs, (and anyone
else who has created a word doc importer) have become your god(s).
> Best of luck, let us know what solution you come up with.
> -KBear
> Original Message:
> Hi there,
> How can I convert a Word file (*.doc) to PDF file? Are there any libraries
> available?
> Can you give me some hint how can I do that?
> Thanks.
> Kevin.
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