Posted by Ja NE on 09/06/05 13:05
Hello and please, please help me... I'm a really frustrated - it is now
48 hours as my site is out of working order, and reason is my
misunderstanding and lack of knowledge... (and sorry on my clumsy
I'm Croat running one photo-site with visitors mostly from Croatia, site
is my own php cms bunch of code (I'm not a programer, just wanted to
learn enough to build something I thought should be a photo cms.) and is
working fine, and mysql db was serving it fine until my provider
upgraded mysql to 4.1.x. And even than everything was fine until I
wanted to "correct" (I thought I'm doing right thing) charset
collations. Those were stated as latin1_swedish_ci, and I thought that
they should be utf8_general_ci. and than I have got chaos.
when I run command SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%char%'; I'm getting following:
Variable_name Value
character_set_client utf8
character_set_connection latin1
character_set_database latin1
character_set_results utf8
character_set_server latin1
character_set_system utf8
character_sets_dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
I can get everything to be utf8 but not character_set_server - it is
always latin1 (not only that I'm not a programer, I'm not good in
settings server either).
well, with charsets as shown above, I'm getting all Croatian signs
except cclaron (small letter c with something like small v above it). It
shows on the screen as question-mark in black rhomboid following by
ordinary question mark. In my last backup it is shown as Ä? (don't know
if my newsreader will allow me to post those 3 signs, let me describe
them: root sign (like in "square root" if that is correct name)
following by big N with small "wave" above it (think that it is a
Spanish "Ny") and than a question mark.
when I type word with cclaron in some of my forms, I can see the real
letter on the screen. however, in my base it is described with Ä? (big A
with umlauts - two dots above it and question mark). If I replace in my
text editor (BareBones TextWrangler) √Ñ? with Ä? I'm not getting those
black and white question marks again...
what should I do? (heeeelp... I really wanna cry now)
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