Reply to Re: [PHP] Assign values in foreach-loop

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Posted by tg-php on 09/07/05 20:28

Yeah, you can assign values, but you have to keep track of keys, so you'll want to use the => operator for foreach (pardon my reformatted, I feel naked without my braces):

foreach ($_SESSION['arr1'] as $key1 => $arr1) {
foreach ($_SESSION['arr2'] as $key2 => $arr2) {
if ($arr1['id'] == $arr2['id']) {
# $arr1['selected'] = true;
$_SESSION['arr1'][$key1]['selected'] = true;

Is that what you were trying to do?


= = = Original message = = =

Hello to all,

is it possible to assign values to the array for which I do the

foreach ($_SESSION['arr1'] as $arr1)
foreach ($_SESSION['arr2'] as $arr2)
if ($arr1['id'] == $arr2['id'])
$arr1['selected'] = true;

I think $arr1 is only a temp-var, so the assignment won't reflect on
$_SESSION['arr1'] . Is that right?
Surely I can do it with a for-loop, but those arrays are a bit complex
and a foreach would be much easier to read.

Thanks in advance for your answers

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