Posted by "Gustav Wiberg" on 09/07/05 21:23
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sabine" <phpdev@sric.de>
To: "PHP general" <php-general@lists.php.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 7:14 PM
Subject: [PHP] Assign values in foreach-loop
> Hello to all,
> is it possible to assign values to the array for which I do the
> foreach-loop?
> foreach ($_SESSION['arr1'] as $arr1) {
> foreach ($_SESSION['arr2'] as $arr2) {
> if ($arr1['id'] == $arr2['id']) {
> $arr1['selected'] = true;
> }
> } }
> I think $arr1 is only a temp-var, so the assignment won't reflect on
> $_SESSION['arr1'] . Is that right?
> Surely I can do it with a for-loop, but those arrays are a bit complex and
> a foreach would be much easier to read.
> Thanks in advance for your answers
> Sabine
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Hi there!
Why not set $_SESSION['arr1'] = true ?
> foreach ($_SESSION['arr1'] as $arr1) {
> foreach ($_SESSION['arr2'] as $arr2) {
> if ($arr1['id'] == $arr2['id']) {
> $_SESSION['arr1'] = true;
> }
> } }
> I think $arr1 is only a temp-var, so the assignment won't reflect on
> $_SESSION['arr1'] . Is that right?
I might add that is not always a good thing to use true or false with
sessions. Use 1 and 0 instead. (or two diffrent numbers or anything else but
true or false)
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