Posted by James Kaufman on 09/08/05 02:09
On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:47:28PM -0400, Iggep wrote:
> Hey all! I sat down and started learning PHP today and ran into a bit of a
> spot. Hoped someone here could lead me in the right direction. I created a
> simple test form called form.php. I thought I had this strait in my mind
> when I created it, but obviously it didn't work. All I want to do is create
> a static value and pass it back to the page which then triggers a statement
> for the user to read.
> Problem I'm running into is that I can't seem to find a way to pass that
> variable correctly with all this being on a single file. I'd prefer to do
> this in a single file if possible.
> Any ideas?
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Test Form</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <?php
if ($_POST['form_submitted']=='y') {
> if (defined('form_submitted')) {
> echo "<p>Thank you for submitting your trouble ticket. We have received your
> trouble ticket and will be in touch with you about it as soon as
> possible.</p>";
> echo "<p>If you wish to submit another ticket, please use the form
> below.</p>";
> }
> echo "<form action='form.php' method='post'>";
> echo "<input type='hidden' name='preform_submitted' value='y'>";
> echo "<input type='hidden' name='form_submitted' value='$preform_submitted'>";
> echo "<table>";
> echo "<tr><td>Last Name:</td><td><input name='lname' type='text'></td></tr>";
> echo "<tr><td>First Name:</td><td><input name='fname'
> type='text'></td></tr>";
> echo "<tr><td>Email Address:</td><td><input name='email_add'
> type='text'></td></tr>";
> echo "<tr><td colspan=2>Trouble:</td></tr>";
> echo "<tr><td colspan=2><textarea name='explan'></textarea></td></tr>";
> echo "<tr><td><input type='submit'></td></tr>";
> echo "</table>";
> echo "</form>";
> ?>
> </body>
> </html>
> --
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Jim Kaufman
Linux Evangelist
public key 0x6D802619
CCNA, CISSP# 65668
Scientists inhabit quite an inhuman world, and so they tend to believe in a
universe beyond people. And young people destined to become good scientists
tend to be more curious about the universe around them than about other people.
-- Jerry Ostriker (Astrophysicist)
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