Posted by "Joachim Person" on 09/17/05 09:22
"John Nichel" <john@kegworks.com> skrev i meddelandet
> Joachim Person wrote:
>> I tried to make the simple program
>> <?php
>> $mbox = imap_open("{imap.liu.se:993}", "joape382", "fil");
>> echo "<h1>Mailboxes</h1>\n";
>> $folders = imap_listmailbox($mbox, "{imap.liu.se:993}", "*");
>> if ($folders == false) {
>> echo "Call failed<br />\n";
>> } else {
>> foreach ($folders as $val) {
>> echo $val . "<br />\n";
>> }
>> }
>> echo "<h1>Headers in INBOX</h1>\n";
>> $headers = imap_headers($mbox);
>> if ($headers == false) {
>> echo "Call failed<br />\n";
>> } else {
>> foreach ($headers as $val) {
>> echo $val . "<br />\n";
>> }
>> }
>> imap_close($mbox);
>> ?>
>> given at http://se2.php.net/manual/sv/function.imap-open.php, but
>> imap_open is not found. I'm running PHP 4.3.10. What is wrong?
> Is IMAP support built into your install of PHP? It's not on by default.
> --
> John C. Nichel
> άberGeek
> KegWorks.com
> 716.856.9675
> john@kegworks.com
Thank you for your answer,
Yes, I have enabled it.
(I guess you got a few e-mails... sorry about that)
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