Posted by bonfils on 09/19/05 09:18
"bokke" <> wrote:
>I have a php form that send s the info to Using C-Panel at
> my host I have an autoresponder set up.
> Problem is that- if you e-mail directly BOOM autoresponder!
> If you fill in the form - NADA!
> Eventhough both arrive in my e-mail box saying From:
> Is this a hosting issue a php issue a C-Panel issue. Please help my
> client is not happy that she is on vacation and her e-mail is not being
> respondered to???
Please note: I'm guessing here.
I suppose you specify a "From" header. You may also want to specify a
"Reply-to" or even a "Return-Path" header.
"At least you have the decency to be ashamed and horrified
with yourself."
- Daryl. alt.buddha.short.fat.guy
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