Posted by Richard Lynch on 03/02/05 20:45
Matt Cassarino wrote:
> I am trying to modify the php.ini settings for post_max_size and
> upload_max_filesize to allow for a custom script to upload files larger
> than 8MB, the default size limit set in php.ini. This is on a shared
> server, and my hosting company won't modify the limitation, although they
> will charge me $50/hr to code a custom script. Whatever! I'll just do it
> myself... but I don't know how.
> Also, http://docs.php.net/en/function.ini-set.html tells me that for
> post_max_size and upload_max_filesize: "Entry can be set in php.ini,
> .htaccess or httpd.conf."
Some Good News
You can create a file named ".htaccess" in the same directory as your file
upload script, and put this in it:
php_value post_max_size 32M
php_value upload_max_filesize 32M
Use any valid value you like instead of 32M of course.
Yes, there really *should* be a dot (.) at the front of the filename:
Your FTP software and your desktop machine may give you grief about it,
but the web-server *needs* it to be that name.
If you already have an .htaccess file with other stuff in it, which you
may or may not understand, just add the above lines at the bottom.
Their custom script would have to do this exact same thing to make it
work, so there ain't much point to giving them $50/hr for that. :-)
Some Bad News
Your web host *might* have .htaccess turned "off" for performance reasons,
in which case you are screwed.
It's unlikely, but possible.
They ain't gonna turn .htaccess "on" just for you, because then it's "on"
for everybody and slows down the server a little bit.
And they probably won't even change the settings for max_XYZ in httpd.conf
for you, not even for $50. If by some chance they *will* do that, it's a
2-minute job, so don't let them charge you more than $50 for that!
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