Posted by Anze on 11/27/99 11:27
I have successfully implemented the idea with the list of the stuff to do
and JS redirect to the same script over and over again. It is dirty, but
there is just no other way if you have a provider that not only sets
set_time_limit() but also has a process that watches for httpd's that are
alive for too long and kills them. I used it for sending out a newsletter
and I'll use it again shortly for importing some huge XML to database.
It is annoying, but sometimes there is no better way. PHP has no way of
telling the system "this script is special and should never be killed".
Administrators have to watch their backs too...
And yes, the trick works perfectly - but you must be very careful. It is
very easy to make mistakes and virtually impossible to test properly. Log
is your friend. :)
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