Posted by TJ\(WFB\) on 09/29/05 20:10
In news:Xns96E05941943C1LifeIsGood@nntp.petitmorte.net,
ThePsyko <ThePsyko@itookmyprozac.com> typed:
> On 28 Sep 2005 in alt.2600, Onideus Mad Hatter
> <usenet@backwater-productions.net> made their contribution to mankind
> by stating in news:18qmj1tg1e1ddlasgtbbi4pum3l35h56k2@4ax.com:
>> On Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:37:58 -0700, Terrence Cooter
>> <fly_cooter_@example.localhost> wrote:
>>> In article <46hkj1h0t9ccmio3qu0lr1fdegs8bs8np1@4ax.com>,
>>> usenet@backwater-productions.net says...
>>>> On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 23:38:34 -0700, Terrence Cooter
>>>> <fly_cooter_@example.localhost> wrote:
>>>>> I'm dropping a dime to the Internic and to a few other parties I
>>>>> won't mention.
>>>> other parties == his mom
>>>> Seriously though, Poofter, how long do you think it's gonna take
>>>> for all these different organizations, corporations and such to
>>>> just start ignoring and/or going after you for being so terminally
>>>> fucking stupid? Making dozens of complaints to ICANN on a daily
>>>> basis...yeah, you think they're not gonna notice that they're all
>>>> coming from the same half retarded lil net.kook? LOL, yer gonna
>>>> fuck yerself in no time, Kiddo.
>>> I only report violations when there is something to actually report,
>>> TestiClees. You and Kadaitcha Man obviously don't mind sending
>>> false reports to various sysops just for revenge.
>> You confuse revenge for entertainment, Poofter. Don't confuse your
>> own kooky actions with ours.
>> Oh, btw...
>> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/Poofter-Gay-Pride.png
>> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/Poofter-Netkkkop.png
>> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/Poofter-Weight-Watchers.pn
>> g
>> ...now let's see...who was the retarded little bitch who was saying
>> that they could so *EASILY* netkkkop me on Lunar Pages...hrmmm...who
>> was that silly lil kook...oh hey, it was you! Guess that didn't work
>> out so well for ya, did it Poofter? ^_^
> I can't remember the last time somebody fucked themselves as bad as
> Scooter here all in the name of 'THE LAW'
Maybe RtS? Way back when, didn't he used to invoke 'THE LAW' as it
pertained to what he believed was, or was not, kiddie-porn and get his ass
handed to him on a regular basis? And at one point, didn't he also state
that he was going to (or did) take legal action against Radio Shack for
stealing "Pong" from him? And after he claimed to be some kind of
high-ranking "special ops" dude in the military, didn't he threaten to sue
not only the United States government, but also whoever it was that obtained
and posted his true military records (via the freedom of info act, I
suppose) revealing him to be nothing more than a pissant courier or some
Hey? You don't suppose Fly-Cooter is the new incarnation of ...... Nah.
Couldn't be. Could it?
Say what ya want, but at least some of it makes sense.
Like Cooter ... Bullis lied nearly all the time, knew *just* enough about
how stuff works to get him ears deep in shit with you all, and (to my
knowledge) hasn't been heard from in a while. And didn't he live in a
"low-rent" district like Cooter, albeit in Wisconsin and not California?
Granted you hackers and 'kookologists' know a WHOLE lot more about this shit
than I *ever* will. And I'm probably way off the mark, but it's still fun
for me to read and chime in with an idea (however retarded it may be) every
now and again.
And yes. I *DID* see the a.h.m sign on the door before I walked in. :-)
Still? It IS a new century, and if Fly-Cooter turns out to be nothing more
than well ... Terrance Cooter? He's gotta be a prime canidate for CENKOC,
21st Century style.
I would suggest you all archive everything and make sure all the hackers and
'kookoligists' in training are aware of him. Because IMO? It would be a
damned shame if he's genuine, but his "efforts" are forgotten like 80 years
or so down the road.
But if by some wild chance Cooter and RtS are one and the same? I don't
think anyone could deny this is the greatest troll .. EVER!
> rotlf
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