Posted by roN on 11/27/95 11:28
Stefan Rybacki wrote:
sorry didn't get that:
> The first problem is the weird filename format you're using
> (...-05-09-13,14). The second day value doesn't help here ;)
> Ok try this regular expression
> /([^-]*)-([^.]*)\.jpg/i
and what should I do with it?
> use a match all function and you will retrieve an array with the number
> and the date seperated. Then change the compare function to first compare
> the date and only if both dates are the same compare the number, thats
> all.
what do you mean with 'match all function'
Ok, I've tried it like below, but doesn't really work,
$rega[1] is always ""
and in $rega[0] is the whole filename... :(
function mycompare ($a, $b)
$rega=split("/([^-]*)-([^.]*)\.jpg/i",$a);//extract date and filename
$regb=split("/([^-]*)-([^.]*)\.jpg/i",$b);//extract date and filename
echo $rega[0]." [0]<br>\n";
echo $rega[1]." [1]<br>\n";
if($rega[1]==$regb[1]) //compare date
//first check for search text in $a and $b
//so if $isInA==$isInB then compare alphabetical
//but reverse first a & b
if ($isInA == $isInB)
if ($a == $b)
return 0;
return ($a > $b) ? 1 : -1;
//the one that is true comes first
return ($isInA) ? -1:1;
return 0;
return 0;
Sorry, but I'm quite new to that stuff.
chEErs roN
I'm root, I'm allowed to do this! ;)
keep on rockin'
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