Posted by "Dasdan" on 10/07/05 13:38
Thanks a lot Petr !!
"Petr Smith" <> wrote in message
> Dasdan wrote:
>> question:
>> I try to buffer the output of the 'system/views/main.php' into $contents.
>> and then do a print.
>> Problem is that the contents of the system/views/main.php are printed 2
>> times.
>> Someone who can explain me?
>> following the contents of testfile.php and main.php, php.ini settings
>> concerning ob_ ... functions and the output of the script.
> Hi,
> you have to use
> <?php
> // testfile.php
> ob_start();
> include 'browsers.html';
> $contents = ob_get_contents();
> ob_end_clean();
> print 'no output above normally ??? :(';
> print $contents;
> ?>
> because include goes to buffer, print's go to buffer and on the end the
> buffer is automatically flushed out. So it's the 2x - once for include,
> once for "print $contents"
> Simple eh?
> Petr
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